Undressing events

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Isabella Chydenius / Finland – Artist In Residence Villa Waldberta

Ausstellung vom 03.02. – 24.02.2022

Schleißheimer Straße 61
80799 München


Isabella Chydenius (b.1988) is a Finnish interdisciplinary artist based in Helsinki (Finland) and is currently participating in the City of Munich Artist in Residence program in cooperation with GEDOK München at Villa Waldberta.
Chydenius’ research-based practice focuses on investigating societal structures of femininity within all genders, and safety contra violence. She is specifically interested in observing moments of belonging in relation to femininity in urban nightclub culture, in the context of current heteropatriarchal time.

The central argument in her research draws attention to how alternative “safe space” nightclubs, such as LGBTQ+ nightclubs, are an overlooked platform that provide time-space for re-imagination of ‘Self’ and a collective agenda, and therefore historically and still today may serve as a catalyst for change in society.
She explores the night as a metaphor of opposites; as a romanticised space that one can escape into and experience momentary freedom away from the watching eyes of the day, while accepting the looming dangers of darkness.

The social and visual architecture of the night, and remnants of the events within the spaces are explored through the mediums of light, video, interactive animation, photography, found objects, and ripped clothes.

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