GEDOK Munich – Collective of women artists and art patrons

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With c. 320 members, GEDOK Munich is the largest regional section within the nation-wide GEDOK organization.
Interdisciplinary (visual arts, applied arts, music and literature)
Supports professional women artists 

Founded in 1926 by Ida Dehmel, GEDOK is the largest and longest serving interdisciplinary artists‘ organisation for women in Germany. As a recognised non-profit organization, GEDOK aims to provide long-term support for talented women artists, to facilitate public recognition of their work, to strengthen the relationships between women artists and art patrons, and by providing institutional and practical assistance, to promote equal opportunity for women in the

GEDOK advocates via a network of contacts in culture, politics and media for the interests of women artists in all disciplines: visual arts, applied arts, new media, music, literature and the performing arts, with a particular awareness of interdisciplinary tendencies in contemporary art. Artist membership in GEDOK is decided on by a jury. Membership as an art patron is open to all.

GEDOK belongs to the Internationalen Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK). It is a member of UNESCO, the Deutschen Musikrats (The German Music Council), the Deutschen Frauenrats (The German Women’s Council) and founding member of Kunstfonds e.V. (The Arts Foundation). GEDOK Munich is also a member of the Bavarian Kulturrat (Arts Council), of the Bavarian Landesfrauenausschuss (Regional Women’s Council), of the Stadtbund Münchner Frauenverbände (Munich Women’s Associations League) and is represented on the Munich board for equal opportunity for women.

We are working on establishing a global network for women artists.

Social and economic globalization also have an impact on artists. Artists today are expected to be familiar with the art scene abroad, to have connections in other countries and to be globally active. GEDOK considers this development in their artist-in-residence program.

GEDOK supports professional women artists through exhibitions, competitions, and through the awarding of prestigious prizes in all artistic disciplines.

The GEDOK program includes exhibitions, concerts, reading events, talks, guided tours, studio and workshop visits, symposia, further training and member meetings. In addition, GEDOK Munich hosts competitions and awards prizes. Since 1999, two young female artists have been awarded the debutant prize for Munich each year, granting them a solo exhibition and the publication of a catalogue.

At the time of its foundation, GEDOK Munich’s most important task was to enable women artists access to the public arena. From that time on, the goal was therefore to establish women artists on boards, juries and in universities as lecturers, which until today has only been partially successful. Currently, the stated goal of GEDOK Munich is to achieve real equality for professional women artists.

We facilitate contacts between women artists and other professionals in order to strengthen the artists’ competitive position.

Over the decades, the focus has shifted. Many artists want to, and are indeed forced to, live from their chosen occupation.  A requirement for this is to conceive of art as a profession. It is no longer enough to simply encourage and accompany the self-employed artist in her precarious endeavours. Today it is necessary to facilitate contacts between professional women artists and other professionals to enable mutual benefits and to strengthen the competitive capacity of women artists in the art scene. The structure of GEDOK as an association for women artists and art patrons is able to provide an appropriate framework for this purpose.

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